Monday, November 5, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

I don't know if Sandy was the 'Queen of Hurricanes', but she sure took over New York City and New Jersey quickly. Her powerful winds, and high storm surges destroyed many homes and businesses, knocking out power for thousands. It beat New York City into they're houses, and beat some out.

My family and pets were evacuated from lower manhattan right before the storm hit. When we returned to our house, a massive mess met us.

The damage to New York was similar to the violent takeover of any king or queen. As my house was only 3 blocks away from the east river, the water came into our lobby and flooded our elevators. The building is still not fit to inhabit, and my family and dogs are staying with my grandmother in New Jersey. We are not sure when we will be allowed into our house again. 

Durring Sandy's siege, pictures flooded televisions and the internet, which horrified people all over the states. 

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